Women of the Iberian Atlantic by Sarah E. Owens Jane E. Mangan

Women of the Iberian Atlantic by Sarah E. Owens Jane E. Mangan

autor:Sarah E. Owens, Jane E. Mangan [Sarah E. Owens, Jane E. Mangan]
La lengua: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780807147726
editor: Louisiana State University Press
publicado: 2012-12-07T00:00:00+00:00


1. See Asunción Lavrin’s introduction to Brides of Christ: Conventual Life in Colonial Mexico (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 2008), 2–5, for an excellent overview of these studies. See also Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt, Religious Women in Golden Age Spain: The Permeable Cloister (Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005).

2. The discalced orders (barefoot) were normally much stricter than the calced (shod—wearing shoes).

3. Other convents were even wealthier than Jesús María (such as la Concepción and la Encarnación). Josefina Muriel’s Conventos de monjas en la Nueva España (Mexico City: Editorial Jus, 1995), provides invaluable data on the finances of New Spain’s convents.

4. According to scholars Electa Arenal and Stacey Schlau, in the context of New World convents, “Mestiza, Indian, mulatta, and Black women servants outnumbered those they served” (Electa Arenal and Stacey Schlau, eds., Untold Sisters: Hispanic Nuns in Their Own Works, trans. Amanda Powell [Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1989], 339).

5. For one such example, see Baltasar Molinero, “La primera escritora afrohispánica: Chicaba o Sor Teresa Juliana de Santo Domingo,” http://abacus.bates.edu/~bframoli/pagina/chicaba.html.

6. Regla, y ordenaciones, de las Religiosas de la Limpia e Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen Nuestra Señora, Que se han de observar en los Conventos del dicho Orden de la Ciudad de México (México: Imprenta Matritense de Felipe de Zuñiga y Ontiveros, 1779), fols. 2v.–4.

7. María Concepción Amerlinck, Regina Coeli en su 425 Aniversario de su Fundación (México: Por las religiosas de Regina Coeli, 1998), 15.

8. Contrary to popular belief, Conceptionist nuns did not belong to the Franciscan order and they did not rely on Franciscan friars as priests or confessors. It was the local bishop who would assign the convent a certain number of priests and chaplains.

9. Regla, y ordenaciones, de las Religiosas de la Limpia e Inmaculada Concepción … , no page numbers.

10. Juan Meseguer Fernández, “Primeras constituciones de las franciscanas concepcionistas,” Archivo Ibero-Americano 100 (October–December 1965): 25.

11. María Concepción Amerlinck de Corsi and Manuel Ramos Medina, Conventos de monjas: Fundaciones en el México virreinal (Mexico City: Grupo Condumex, 1995), 31–33.

12. Due to the popularity of the Conceptionist order, seven other convents were founded in the capital and six in other areas of New Spain, making a grand total of fourteen Conceptionist nunneries. This is a large sum, considering there were fifty-seven established in New Spain.

13. Kathleen Ross, The Baroque Narrative of Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora: A New World Paradise (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994), 87.

14. Muriel, Conventos de monjas en la Nueva España, 80–107.

15. According to Ralph Bauer and José Antonio Mazzotti, “Somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of all defined as criollo were in fact biologically mestizos whose assimilation as creoles was linked to their Spanish fathers’ efforts to retain certain privileges in colonial society” (Introduction to Creole Subjects in the Colonial Americas: Empires, Texts, Identities, ed. Ralph Bauer and José Antonio Mazzotti, 34 [Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2009]).

16. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, Paraíso Occidental (Mexico City: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1995), 78.

17. Amerlinck de Corsi and Ramos Medina, Conventos de monjas, 63.


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